I had dinner with a former Computer Consultant who is now an Acupuncture Therapist because, she claims, the Computer Jobs are being outsourced to India.
"IBM is the biggest outsourcer of computer jobs to India," she said, "companies want to make as much money as possible. And computer geeks--we're not a very protesty sort." Now she's an acupuncturist and gets a few computer consultant gigs here and there to tide her over.
I'm luckier. I had a freelance gig where the idiots tried to ship editorial jobs to India; luckily, they totally fucked everything up and we had to redo their work. So for now, some things, like American grammar nuance and shit like that, can't be outsourced.
Corporations are doing better than ever. We're not. Write to your Congressmen/women and Senators. Tell them not to outsource your jobs. Keep it American guys/goils.